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We offer scholarships to qualified women in the Denver area for membership to TARRA.
The TARRA x FirstBank Scholarship program provides subsidized memberships for women in the Denver community who are looking to level up their network and create momentum for their professional ambitions.
Scholarships are supported by our corporate partners and private contributors who have generously provided funding for this unique opportunity.
Applications open from January 15-February 1, 2024.
A TARRA x FirstBank Scholarship is a 1-year subsidized Work Club membership. Recipients will pay just $30 per month for their membership (a $119/month value) and receive the following benefits.
— M-F, 8am-5pm access to the TARRA Work Club
— 4 free hours of conference room & meeting room rentals per month
— Peer to Peer Advice with monthly peer-driven networks
— Action-oriented personal and professional development experiences
— Discounts and early access to skill building business & leadership courses
— Exclusive access to the TARRA member directory
— Free monthly community events designed for authentic connection & networking
Scholarships are awarded to individuals who meet our criteria. They must espouse the mission, vision & values of TARRA, are an entrepreneur or rising leader, are a member of a historically underrepresented community, and express a viable need for reduced fee membership.
Mission: TARRA provides opportunities for our members to reach their highest potential through meaningful experiences and a high-value network.
Vision: Together with our members and stakeholders, we create a ripple effect of lasting impact to ensure communities are more prosperous and equitable.
Values: Curious | Courage | Commitment | Purpose | Potential | Prosperity
To be considered for a TARRA FirstBank Scholarship, fill out the application. Winners are announced on March 1, 2024.
There are limited scholarships available.