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We offer scholarships to qualified women in the Denver area for 1-year Work Club membership to TARRA.

What is the TARRA Scholarship Fund?

The TARRA FirstBank Scholarship Fund provides discounted coworking membership scholarships for women in the Denver community who are looking to level up their network and create momentum for their professional ambitions.

Scholarships are supported by our corporate partners and private contributors generously provide funding for this unique opportunity.

Contribute what you can. Suggested minimum of $50.00.

  • $250 provides 3-months of membership
  • $500 provides 6-months of membership
  • $1,000 provides a 1-year scholarship to TARRA

What does a Scholarship offer?

A TARRA FirstBank Scholarship is a 1-year subsidized Work Club membership. Recipients get all the benefits of TARRA membership for just $30 per month including:

— Access to the TARRA work club
— Discounted day passes, conference room & meeting room rentals
— Peer to Peer Advice with monthly peer-driven networks
— Action-oriented personal and professional development experiences
— Discounts and early access to skill building business & leadership courses
— Exclusive access to the TARRA member directory
— Free monthly community events designed for authentic connection & networking