Many of us have experienced this scenario. You want a glass or two of wine on a weeknight but don’t want to drink the entire bottle. By Thursday the wine has turned and it’s no longer drinkable. Thus $10-$15 worth of wine makes it into the bin, wasted. 

Dana Spaulding’s journey as a winery owner started as she searched for a solution to all those bottles that were tossed unfinished. “Don’t get me wrong–there’s a time and place to polish off a bottle of wine by yourself–but that time and place isn’t always on aTuesday night at home on the couch after putting the kiddos to sleep. 

In April of 2017, Spaulding, a certified level II sommelier, founded Wander + Ivy. After working for 7 years with J.P. Morgan’s Private Bank, she was ready for a new challenge and launched head first into creating what is today one of Colorado’s fastest growing beverage brands. Today, Wander + Ivy serves an elevated single-serve wine experience with organic grapes and balanced vintages encased in elegant glass 6.3 oz bottles. 

TARRA sat down with Spaulding to learn a bit more about what makes her world spin—kids, life, business and more.  

What scares you the most? 

On the personal front: As a mom of two very little ones, any kind of terrible sickness, accidents, or something along those lines scares me the most these days.

On the business front: As an investor backed entrepreneur, running out of funds is always terrifying. We work extremely hard to continue our triple digit top line growth year after year while also managing cash flow. 

What are you currently reading/watching/listening to: 

Reading: Manifest: The 7  Steps to Living Your Best Life

Watching: Finishing Ted Lasso! 

Listening to: Live Purely Podcast

Networking advice you would give to your 25 year old self.

Don’t be afraid to make the bold ask 

If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?

More alone self-care time (reading, spa, movement!) and time with my family

If you chose one of Wander & Ivy’s wines that best describes your personality, which one would it be and why?

Our Red Blend; it’s full-bodied and has just the right amount of spice. It also happens to be my fav varietal.