A Note From Our Founder: How You Can Commit to Anti-Racism & Dismantling White Supremacy

Hello Team TARRA,

This weekend, I stood on a corner, watching the protests take place…breathless with my ignorance, realizing that my inaction and “this isn’t about me” attitude has contributed to the continued oppression of millions of Americans.

We must find a path forward to a world where racism, bigotry and prejudice are eradicated. White people—particularly white women—must not look away any longer. We must confront white supremacy head-on.  

Our eyes are open.
We choose to care, to see, to act.
We resist going backwards.
We will become vocal anti-racism activists.

We are committed to using TARRA as a platform for anti-racism and dismantling white supremacy.

Equality starts within each of us. We must continue to push for racial justice and create space for difficult conversations. It’s time to dig deep.

Here are a few small ways to start your new path towards anti-racism. The change starts with you. 


We must do it for George Floyd, Eric Garner, Breonna Taylor, Amaud Arbery, Tony McDade, Botham Jean, Atatiana Jefferson, Stephen Clark, Philando Castille, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Jonathan Farrell, Renisha McBride, Sean Bell, Randy Evans, Amadou Diallo, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland, Freddie Gray, and countless others who can no longer breathe.

TARRA’s mission is to provide each of you with the tools, resources and education to thrive. We believe that an individual can thrive only when their community thrives. As we reevaluate our communities, we want to hear from you. 

What do you want to learn about? 
What actions do you want to take? 
What dialogue do you want to talk about?

Email [email protected] to start the conversation. 

Let’s march forward,